Sunday, August 30, 2015

Heart of America Coachmen
Secretary’s Report
August 18, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Lucille Severe at 10:06 a.m.

In attendance were the Cooks, Genrichs, Sidebottoms, Severes, Stremmings and McVays.

Carol Genrich advised that she was changing the Wagon Masters duties from an all inclusive job to one where the Wagon Master works closely with the  Host.  The substance of this change will be where the Host will actually take on more of the planning and duties of the preparations  and selection of volunteers.

The nominating committee for 2016 put forth the list of  current officers who have agreed to serve an additional term. The election of officers for 2016 will be held at the October meeting.

Treasurer Elaine Sidebottom reported on the clubs finances. As of the end of July the club has $7,751.58, a reduction for the year of $238.00. 

Lucille Severe requested changing rally fees from $10 to $5.  Chuck Genrich suggested the club pay a one time rally fee for each member.  Carol Genrich suggested we keep the current rally fee of $10. Treasurer Elaine Sidebottom will present a list of alternative for spending some of the club's funds at the October meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:43 a.m.

Submitted by Marth McVay, Secretary